You only get one precious body in which to live your one precious life. And if it’s not what you want it to be, the only one who can change it is you.

I don’t know how many times I’ve repeated this mantra to myself, but it’s pulled me through some tough times. At my heaviest, I weighed close to 200 pounds. I was homeless as a kid, so my relationship with food was always a little warped, but in early adulthood, my habit of using food as a coping mechanism got really out of control.

The road to health and wellness for me was paved with lots of potholes and wrong-turns and just flat-out bad directions. But through that experience, I learned how to love and accept myself, and to truly cherish my body and everything it had done and continued to do for me by truly nourishing it. That love spawned into improved mental and physical health in every area of my life, and it was then that I realized the pivotal role that our eating habits play in our overall health.

Focusing on healing your relationship with food will help you feel amazing inside your body, yes, but it’s also a powerful first step on the path to building the life of your dreams.

Even if you’ve tried to lose weight before, even if your confidence is shot and you’re scared to begin, if you made it this far, I know you can do it. I’ve got your back, whenever you’re ready :)

xoxo, sarah elizabeth